Step 3: Compare

C.) You have watched two film clips and read an article about the marketing mix ‘4 Ps’. You are one step closer to creating your own shop. The next step is to compare existing shops of well-known brands with each other.

Look at the chart ‘Research Marketing Mix’ below and compare the stores by each item:


The Marketing Mix can be found in every shop. You are going to research how the 4 Ps are used in the shops below. Look at the following table with 20 shops and read the instructions below.












Above, you see a table with 20 shops. You are going to compare the two shops from the same branch. For example: H&M with ZARA.

Note that there are 10 branches in total here, so you will have to compare two shops per branch.

Tip: you can go to the shops by clicking on each logo of a shop above.

Fill in the shops from the same branch in the table below. Rate the product, place, price and promotion of each shop choosing from numbers 1 to 5. When you rate the place, note that most of these shops will be located all over the world. In that case, you have two options:

    1. Pick one location of that shop in mind in the country/city of your liking, or;

    2. Look at how many shops/in how many countries that shop exists.

Rating: 1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = very good

Example: if you think the product that H&M sells is very suitable and meets the needs of customers (see ‘4 Ps’), you can give a 4 or 5. If you think customers won’t buy the product, give a 1. Do the same with its competitor ZARA.

After comparing, you count all the points for each shop. The shop of each branch that has the most points wins. This means that you, as a group, will have 1 shop per branch (so 10 shops in total) with the most points. Use these results in your report. Write about what you have found out and what you think is important using the ‘4 Ps’ in these cases.